Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year 2013

For all the people I haven’t wished this year—Wish you a very Happy New Year. I mean it…I hope you have a good year and have some amazingly good things happen to you this year.  Needless to say, smelly-poop-filled-things will continue to happen to us all this year too but I just hope and wish for us all, that the awesomeness of the good things in life overshadow the negative ones.

This year started out rather well for me. I had the rare chance of welcoming the new year with my mom, grandma , my uncle and his family. There is really no alternative to spending a good time with family. No matter how ‘hip and modern’ I’d like to portray myself, or how badly I want to impress my friends by putting up pictures of myself at the outrageously overcrowded Time’s square—I’d still pick spending a New Year with my family members.

This year is going to be no less challenging than the past one for many of us. We will again vehemently try our best to impress our boss at work and earn some tasty brownie points (I actually don’t mind being rewarded with brownies for a job well done *nom nom*), some of us will strive to conclude our education with a thesis defense (and Good luck ), some will get married this year  while a small portion of us would again wish to find his/her ‘ soul-mate’ at least this year and last but not the least—most of us will continue to sit on our bottoms for more hours than we want to, while leaving senseless comments on facebook and/or wishing some distant old friend a ‘very happy birthday’ just because facebook reminded us of it.
Let us all strive to be better human beings this year, to help a friend or even a complete stranger in some small way regularly just because we can,  to learn to respect each other’s opinions and thoughts without overburdening them with our own, to behave like the educated people that we are and not think-small in a big-world and on the flip-side continue to dole out justice to victims of inhumane and heinous crimes committed by the scumbags of the society.

Will blog again soon and hopefully be more regular at it.

I’ll conclude this post with a web-link that I love checking out from time to time- it proves that there still are kindhearted people in this world:

P.S- Thanks Nisha for being a good sport and giving me the nudge I needed to blog again :)


nisha nagarajan said...

good job!! :) :) a well written piece (as I said, you're improving by leaps and bounds!) Makes me want to go out there and do something kind...(damn you, winter!) :P will get there soon enough :) keep blogging

vidya said...

Good blog and great concluding link! I liked the wending machine idea..something I can do!!(not sure if I will ;))