It's freakin 6:30AM in the morning, and I am up already....AND blogging! Have barely got 5 hours of sleep last night.
You wanna know the reason/cause of me committing such a sin (getting only5 hours of sleep IS a sin)......it's called MOSQUITOES!!!
Blood-sucking, ravaging, irritating and most definitely thirsty mosquitoes!!
These little damned winged insects come out at night and torment us like no other. Even Himesh Reshammiya' songs are bearable when compared to a night in a house with mosquitoes.
I fail to understand this, and I beg someone to offer me a sensible answer----Why on earth did God create mosquitoes??! I mean, think about it....they don't help the nature in any way, they aren't food to any animal and hence are of zero use in the animal-kingdom food-chain, they don't get rid of garbage or any thing like crows and stray dogs .....they are of absolutely NO use to the planet Earth.
How and why is it that they appear only during the night? I am sorry, but I never remember reading that mosquitoes are nocturnal insects. Maybe the scientists should do some research on that one.
They seem to appear out of thin air at my place. I mean, inspite of all windows and doors being closed, and killing as many as possible with my 'bare hands'- their number only seems to swell. It's almost as if, for each mosquito I kill...3 more are born out of thin air.
At this point, you may wonder why the hell am I not using mosquito repellents like the coil or the All-out etc,...Well my dear friend- FYI- I had a full size mosquito coil (brand JET I think it was) lighted and also switched on the All-out in the middle of the night....but the monsters just didn't seem to get affected.
I have a few theories by now (courtesy of lying awake at 6am in the morning thinking and cursing mosquitoes after having gotten very little sleep) as to why God made these tiny imitators-
1- They are a part of Satan's/Devil/Shaitaan's team. They were given special permission by our beloved Almighty to be placed and roam on Earth and to suck on people's blood - just to remind them how Hell would really be if we weren't good.
2- They were created so that Man could come-up with and learn new slangs/abuses/curses and use them on others too. Like the way I came up with a few new ones just by sitting and staring at the wall early in the morning today. I CANNOT mention those 'gaalis' here because I'd like to keep my blog free of any 'bad language'.
3- They are a spy project by the Russians or some enemy country of ours to test how and when we get irritated, thus gaining knowledge on our pain-bearing capabilities.I bet they will be working on some futuristic weapon with all the data that they recieve and eventually use it as a biological weapon one day.
Wonder why, inspite of all the freakin advancements that science has made, Man hasn't been able to come up with a fool-proof and 100% effective solution to this malice. If I have money some day, I'd initiate a foundation and offer up $1 million to anyone who achieves the aforementioned (just like Richard Branson offers a huuuge amount of money to anyone who can come with a 100% eco-friendly car). Even right now, I am willing to offer 40% (sorry...that's all I can afford to give away....rest goes into rent and bills...)of my next-month's salary to anyone who gives me a foolprooof method to eliminate these pests.
It's 7:00 am now and I've been blogging about mosquitoes since half an hour---How crazy does that sound man?! sheeesh...Gotta get a grip on myself.
I'll sign off now coz' daylight has broken into the skyline and just like vampires, these awful little $#%$^!^ have started disappearing...plus I need to get some sleep if I need to survive the day at work.
Adios and peace out!
.......there's one mosquito resting on my LCD....easy now....easy......SWAP!! HA!!-- deadmeat you are my dear mosqui!!!
peace !
I hear you brother, loud and clear.
Let me also tell you that if there's one person in this world who hates mosquitoes more than you, it's me.
(Most of them here know me as the 'bane of mosquitoes', I'm that deadly a foe when dealing with those little blood-thirsty demons. :D)
Get one of those mosquito racquets - dunno if you get them in Hyderabad, but they're quite the rage over here.
glad to know that one of my friends is also a 'Mosquito rebel'.
The racquets are avaialble here as well ...but u have to use it manually rite? wat abt wen u are sleeping...?
anyways....keep up the crusade against these darned pests.
Don't worry, you'll get used to swiping away at them even in your sleep. After a while it becomes second nature and you don't even need to wake up. Just remember to keep them in a handy place next to your bed every night before going to sleep.
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