Sunday, October 31, 2010

Great weekend

WOW!  What a weekend I’ve had. Haloween party on Friday and the trip to the Six Flags amusement park on Saturday. I had been looking forward to this trip since quite some time and had put a lot of hopes on it to have fun….and BOY! It did not disappoint!

oh..the giant spider clinging to
 the roller coaster ride
was due to the haloween theme
that week
Oh! And before I begin, let me tell all those jealous friends of mine (so jealous of my hair that they actually conspired against me and started demotivating my ‘I-will-let-my-hair-grow-this-time’ mission and finally led to it’s premature death. I GOT a haircut this weekend… can notice it in the snaps I will be putting up in this blog.
Will go and now and tell you about what all I did in the trip to SixFlags. We left at around 10:00am from our college (it was one of the student body sponsored e event), and reached our destination about 1.5 hours later.
We clicked this pic right at the entrance. Even from the parking lot, we could see and already predict that we were going to have a good time here….judging by the size of the roller coaster rides visible. There was not one, but 4-5 different kinds of roller-coaster rides here. And I was determined to ride each and every one of them.
I will now go on to mention some of the rides that were really great and are worth talking about in here.

The first ride was the good ol’ Ferris wheel (giant wheel). This one was the dullest ride in the park. It was slow and we were made to sit inside a cage kind of a thing ‘for our safety’. Even the Indian giant wheels are more exciting. The wheel turned at such a slow pace that at one point of time, all of us wondered if it was even moving.  But the good thing about this ride was that, from the top-most point- we got a good picture of all the rides that we would eventually be trying out. We counted the number of roller-coasters at 5 and decided that we should ride at least 4.
One of the biggest roller-coaster rides (lasting upto 2 minutes of topsy-turvy and stomach-content-churning twists) was next on the was aptly named 'The '. We had to wait for quite some time in a looong line to get into the RC(roller coaster), but the wait was worth it in the end. Man!! The drops that the RC took after reaching the top of the curve, was just exhilarating.
Next was the ‘Dragon’s wings’ ride. And this one was truly the highlight of my day at the park. What happens in this ride was that, the person(s) would be strapped to a long wire, just a wire. The wire would then be pulled back to the extreme end (as in a pendulum) and let go!! The first swing , was the BEST! It was like, you are free falling in the air and there’s nothing to catch you at the bottom. Of course, because you are attached to a wire, you basically make pendulum type swinging movements. Trust me when I say this, the first ‘oscillation’ really made my heart stop for a few seconds. I was riding that with two other friends of mine. I was shouting curses (at the awesomeness of it all) all the way, till it stopped about 2 minutes later. Was a really awesome ride.
Superman .
From there, we went on to the SuperMan tower ride. This had a tall  tower (about 1.6miles into the sky) with seats attached to it.  We would be taken to the top slowly, and then just drop. Almost like a free fall. Although, the drop lasted only about 2 seconds, it was enough to give you the thrills that the name intended ...Super! The drop took such less time, that by the time a person's expression started showing on his face- he was already at the bottom. It was quite funny to watch the expressions of many people, whose expressions started just as they reached the bottom. The expressions  ranged from shocking  to smiles, and from  'oh-my-gaaaawd' and  'too overwhelmed to express' . Lolz.
There was a ride called mr.Freeze, another RC where the RC would, at one point- go vertically up- stop for a split second and then fall back at full speed in the reverse direction. UNNNNNfortunately, I missed that one, which some say was one of the best rides in the park. :-/
the REAL Superman!
I also tried my hand at some games where you have the chance of winning small prizes like teddy bears and capes. And yeah...i did win some stuff. At one contest, I won an awesome super-man cape and at another place ,where I had to hit and break a plate with a ball...standing at a distance-- I won a green-frog teddy. Lolz. It is kinda too green for my taste, but I took it anyway, as the other alternative I had was a pig-teddy..which I didn't like too much. Am including the pictures of my awesome cape which will soon adorn the wall in my room giving it a sense of awesomeness. :D  Another friend of mine who also played the game in which I won the cape, won a wonder-woman cape.
The rest of the day I spent in roaming around and checking a few more similar contests without any luck. In the end, I had an ice-cream (though I don’t remember the name of the shop). What makes this ‘i-had-an-icecream’ worth mentioning is that this was the first ice-cream I had after landing in the USA. The flavor was cookie-dough and true to it’s name, the taste was exactly like sweet dough with chunks of cookies in it.
We finally reached Rolla back at around 8:30pm and I realized that I was starting to get a head-ache, which I think was due to the excessive fun I had. :D

Friday, October 22, 2010

say NO to dowry!

This is my first blog after shifting base to the US of America. Been wanting to write since so long. It’s been three months since I came here and even longer since I wrote my last blog. Here’s the explanation for me not being able to blog for so long (which I don’t think anyone even noticed…hehe). Initially, I had a lot of time on my hands (when my classes hadn’t started here yet) but unfortunately, I didn’t have access to any personal computer/laptop to be able to blog. I did have access to the computers in the library (with 10mbps connection….WOW!), but it didn’t have that atmosphere needed to blog you know.
To all those random bloggers out there, you’d know what I am talking about. You can’t just start writing a blog from any computer. It has to be a machine you are comfortable with, an environment you are comfortable with and the right moment….(which didn’t happen in the library, in my case).
And after I finally got my own laptop, the classes started and have been really really hectic ever since. Man! No one ever told me that Masters ki padhai is going to be this hectic.
Anyways, I finally had some time in my hands today, after toiling the last 3 days and not getting too much sleep....courtsey-- a test and a painfully lengthy assignment submission falling on consecutive days . Plus, I found that one of my best friends, Sujeet had recently started blogging all of a sudden. (I’ll take this moment to appreciate sujeet for starting his own blog….way to go bro!! ). Trust me when I say this-- sujeet was one of the last people on this planet who I had expected to write a blog. He just wasn’t that writer type guy. Although, he had composed some really beautiful poems back in college. But, all that ‘not being a writer type’ has changed I guess. So his blogging, motivated me to finally get my lazy part off the bed and type something that comes from the heart.
Wow, look at me, I’ve already written half a page and neither you nor I have any idea what this blog is all about. Lolz. I need you to be a little more patient and I promise you that the ‘real thing’ will start within the next 2 lines.
So, here goes nothing…..well something actually….hehe..
I know for a fact that ALL Indian citizens have heard of the term ‘Dowry’. There’s not a single Indian adult that hasn’t heard of or doesn’t know about this. And if I am not mistaken, (and not meaning to disrespect any particular caste), almost all castes in our country have the tradition of giving and taking dowry. Chances are that even if you haven’t been directly involved in any dowry ‘transaction’, you will have come across it in some form or the other in your life.
I personally, HATE this dowry system from the entirety of my heart. I completely, utterly and wholly abhor it. I wanted to do some research on this topic and know where this system of dowry originated. But, to hell with it… just going to go on and insult the dowry system and compare it with all kinds of shitty things in the following few paragraphs. And if you are one of those -who support the dowry system for whatever reasons you feel are valid….may want to stop reading at THIS point.
Well, if you HAVE decided to go one and read my blog then I guess I should get on with the dowry-system bashing right away.
What I don’t understand is, what is the need to take or ask for dowry. By what right is a family asking for dowry? Isn’t the bride’s family already giving them an invaluable gift in the form of their daughter. They are giving someone, whom they have loved their entire lives and have always wanted to best for- to another family. They are parting ways with a piece of their own flesh and blood. They are giving away a person who, for the rest of her adult life will be under a completely new household…..working and taking care of the husband and his family. Isn’t that MORE than enough??? Apparently NOT for a majority of families in our country. They want MORE. And they want it in the form of money and financial assets, or in some cases even in the form of immovable assets like a house. I mean, what the hell people?!!?? Why would someone want to just give away their hard-earned money….money that they have acquired working hard their entire lives to someone whom they had no previous relationship with prior to wedding of their daughter?! Again, here, I would ask the question….what RIGHT does the bridegroom's family have to ask for someone’s hard-earned money just like that?! If they are so desperate for money--- then I'd say--”GO EARN IT YOURSELF Goddamnit!! And if you can’t then better learn to live with it.”

These dowry seekers should be ashamed of themselves if they expect to live a part of their lives on someone else's money.  And they actually display their shameless guts to the world by bargaining for the dowry amount. Wow! These people should be applauded for their high degree of ignorance and pathetic  plight in asking for money.  Maybe they should be also given an award every year, titled as 'Mr.Pathetic' or 'Mr. i-want-ur daughter-AND-your-money....-because I am greedy'.
Even in today's world, where Indians are creating waves in all fields of technology and science by attaining dizzying heights of success , a world where Indians are respected the world-over for their high academic skills (which means they are very educated),------there STILL are people (and quite a majority) who ask and give dowry.
Shame on them....Shame on the people who ask for dowry and also shame on the people who agree to give dowry.

I've always taken a firm stand against the dowry system....and if you are a responsible and educated youth of India, then you should too.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


 I am back in Vizag. Said my goodbyes to Hyderabad the day before yesterday, having completed most of the formalities there (including meeting up a horde of relatives and spending good amount of time with my friends).
I only have two weeks left before I fly away to the US of A for my Masters. Will be gone for two years. 
I had some work at a bank today. Now this bank, lies almost on the sea-front of Vizag. I was there early and since Indian banks DO NOT open up before time even if you put a gun to the manager’s head- I ended up with some spare time. I decided to take a stroll on the beach road. As I was walking, I noticed a number of tall buildings on the sea-front. There were trees blocking my view of the sea.....and I reeeealy wanted to view the sea. It had been a long time since I had visited the sea and said my helloz to the crashing waves.
I came up with a plan to have my wish granted. I decided to go onto the roof of one of these 5 storied-buildings and catch the majestic sea-view from up there. I zeroed in on one apartment complex...chiefly because after walking past the building thrice, I was pretty sure that the watchman could not see me since he was in his small dwelling behind the flight of stairs. I casually strolled into the apartment complex and walked towards the stairs. I started climbing. Almost none of the flats had any nameplates on. I desperately wanted a name plate so that if the apartment watchman caught me on my way down and started asking me who is it that I was here to meet—then I’d simply tell the name of the flat-owner and the flat number. Finally after climbing 6 flight of stairs, I reached the fourth floor where I saw a nameplate of a doctor. “Lucky me!” , I thought, I’d simply say to the curious watchman- that Dr.X (let’s just call him that) was my doctor and I had come to see him regarding a treatment he had told me about. I quickly memorized the flat number and proceeded on towards the rooftop. Huffing and puffing, I finally reached the roof and opened the door (which was luckily open) which led on to the terrace.
The sight was as beautiful as I had expected. The blue sea was right in front of me staring at me with all its watery might. There were several ships dotting the horizon as usual, along with some small fishing boats here and there. The wind was pretty strong at this height. I found a comfortable set of stairs for me to sit on and just stared into the blueness of the sea.
As I sat there in the light of the setting golden sun, enjoying the lovely sea-breeze brushing my face and staring at the beauty of the ocean- I started thinking about the people and things I’d miss when leave this place for a good two years.
The list of things and people I’ll miss just kept growing and growing. I would miss Hyderabad- it’s fast (but not super-fast) lifestyle, I’ll miss it’s huge and glitzy shopping malls into which  I'd regularly stroll into to help me pass time, I’ll miss the new house into which me and Goli had moved into only a month ago (will miss it’s red wall), I’ll miss my Dell friends who also became my closest buddies in Hyderabad- Lambu (Ayesha) and Karthik (will miss having coffee with them on breaks that almost always extended the set time-limit, I’ll miss my roomie and my bro Goli who tolerated me for a good eight months (his weird moods and his stories  about office and how they were sucking his brains out), I’ll DEFINITELY miss from Hyderabad-  my closest friend Vio- with whom I spent most of my last few days in Hyderabad having coffee at CCD or Gloria Jean’s coffee and talking so much that I now wonder if there’s actually anything left that she doesn’t know about me.Will miss my pals Sid(me verbally abusing him when he doesn't answer my calls or mails...but this will continue even after me leaving India- lolz) and Murali(his stone-faced reactions to everything I say or do..), Rev(M!!).Sid, Rev and NOS already stay away from me, ie- they don't stay in Hyderabad....I missed all these guys when I was in Hyd going away to US would only add to the 'weight of missing them' even more.
I slowly realized that there were a lot many things about India that I will definitely miss, but that’s life I guess. I truly believe that one should keep moving on in life and not spend his entire life in one place. As a proof of ‘I practise what I preach’- I FYI have changed 10 (schools and universities put together) alma-maters since my childhood and this (MS in USA) was going to append itself to this long list.  Life is all about adapting to changes taking place around you---changes that take place with every breath that comes out of your lungs. You can’t just sit and brood over all the things that you will be missing- instead we should cherish all the beautiful moments we had with those people and in those places that made it worth missing them.
Kudos to all my friends who made my stay in Hyderabad a blast ....LOVE YOU ALL.....


Thursday, May 13, 2010

it's 45 degrees

I somehow can't imagine Mr.Sun as the cool-goggle-sporting dude that the pic below shows....

The summer sun is really showing all of us ‘whos the boss’. The mercury has been rising in the city since the past couple of days . Monday’s newspaper said that the temperature had touched a high of 44 degrees, which was the highest since 1999. I thought to myself “wow….now how THAT is high!...i bet it can’t get any hottttttter than this”

But the Sun had some surprises in store for me. It made the mercury rise a little higher to touch 45 degrees yesterday man!! It must’ve said to itself “there you go Sonny boy…don’t bet on things that you have no control over”…and must’ve gone ahead and given the kind of evil witch-like laughter that I so like to give (when I have done something evil).. “MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!”.

45 degrees !!! wow! That certainly is high. But this time I am not going to go ahead and say that it won’t and can’t get any hotter than that… MAY GET EVEN HOTTER….

There you go Mr.Sun, I haven’t challenged you or anything so please do not take it personally and show some mercy on us mortals.

The funny thing is that I need to walk to my office-cab’s pick-up point around 1.5 kilometers away everyday right in the noon, ie.2:00. It usually takes me 25 mins to cover the distance at my own pace , with my earphones snuggled in my ears with some good music for company. I seriously do not feel the heat of 44.5 degrees burning down on me. I mean, Cmon, I have lived in places like Visakhapatnam, which should be declared as the ‘Humid-capital’ of the world, and in Bhubaneshwar, where the day temperatures recorded were often some of the highest in India. So talk about adaptability….My skin seems to have adapted itself to the intense summer’s sun-heat.

But hey Mr.Sun, that dosen’t mean you take it as a challenge to show that even I can feel your heat. I DO feel burning sensation on my skin whenever I walk beneath your heat…

THIS is the real image that comes to my mind when someone mentions 'Summer sun' now...
peace always..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My budday weekend!

It was one of my life’s best weekends…..I had been at home this weekend celebrating my birthday with my entire family (the joint or extended family included).

I had planned this weekend almost a month in advance. Had applied for leaves from work which my kind manager was gracious enough to grant me. Thanks Usha for that… :-)

The original plan had been that my twin sis, Shruti would start from Pune on the 28th, pass through Hyderabad on the 29th which I would board, and travel with Shru to surprise our grandma and our lil sis. However, due to non-confirmation of Shru’s ticket, we rescheduled and re-planned the journey and had shru come to hyd by bus, stay half a day and then me and sis would board the Godavari Express to vizag. Sounds good right? ….WRONG! the main glitch in the problem was that, this plan would mean that me and sis, would have to spend the mid-night of our birthday (you know, the 12 o’ clock midnight celebration) in the ‘train’. Unfortunately, we had no other choice, but to agree to this plan and went ahead with it. Now, I didn’t want to spend the eve of my birth’day’ sleeping in the side upper birth of a train. So I got two ‘German Black Forest pastries’ packed from the nearby Café Coffee Day and boarded the train.

Come 11:55pm, Shru and I had to request our co-passengers to allow us to keep the lights switched on for 5 more mins, The watch finally showed 12 and we both quickly took out our pastry’s from the upper berth, only to find that the pastry’s hadn’t withstood the hyderabad’s scorching heat and had melted and taken an unidentifiable shape. Plus, one of the once-called-pastry had decided to have some fun while in its fluidy state and had leaked out into the polythene bag and had caused a mess.

But, I wasn’t going to allow the melted pastries dampen my spirits. We dutifully opened the lids of the containers , dug our spoons into the semi-solid pastries and fed each other a spoonful and wished happy b’day. It was not much, but having my Twin sister with me on my B’day was beautiful in itself.

The next one hour was spent on taking calls from near and dear, and I am telling you, the number of calls Shru took was more than double the number of calls I took, thus proving that she had mooore friends than me… …but hey…I am happy with the number of friends I have :-D

Anywayz, come 7:00AM and we finally reached Vizag, Dad had come to pick us up at the station. I could clearly see how happy he was to see the two of us after a long time. His smile really stretched from one ear to another.
We reached home and shilpa got a pretty good surprise on seeing me there too. I don’t know if she was acting , and that the apparent ‘secret’ was already known to her, but if she WAS acting, she was good. She went something like this—“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh….bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai…..tu aaaaaaaaaaaa gayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….hehehehehehehehehehehe…..!!” …the first two-three shrieks made me believe that she was practicing her hindi alphabets, but then the third part of the shriek made me realize that she was expressing her shock and happiness at me being there.

After the exchange of tight hugs with mommy and naani, we settled to have a nice, yummy, lip-smacking, tummy-filling, ungli-chaating, home-cooked lunch consisting of ‘gongura’-chicken….which I was having after a really long.

The afternoon was spent catching up with family members and then the turn of our b’day shopping….

My parents had already decided what to buy shru. They turned to me, and I gleefully and shamelessly asked for the Ray-Ban Aviator goggs that now I possess and that now are on the top of my most-valuable items.( I had been secretly dreaming and fantasizing of owning a pair of Aviators since a looong time).

Fortune Inn hotel was decided as the dinner venue mainly because it had a buffet, and no-one had tried it yet. We wanted to try something new this time. The dinner party was a great success, as almost everyone ended up praising the food. Oh BTW- I paid for the dinner….another thing that I wanted to do since a long time. :-D something for which everyone came and started thanking me like formal guests….i mean cmon guys- we’re familyyy….do we still need THANK YOUs and all???

Shilpa had ordered the cake a day in advance, and it turned out to be one of the most freakin’ delicious cakes I have ever had……FULL MARKS to my kid sis. Luv u !

The next day, I gave a treat to my close buddies, Murali a.k.a Hermit and Aditya a.k.a Shaggy …after some sms-arguments, murali and I finally settled on Subway (our all-time favourite place to eat any day of the year). Surprisingly, all three of us had veg-subs. Although I had planned on having a foot-long- I ended up having a regular 6-inch sub coz’ Shru had prepared Choley at home and I didn’t want to miss that. And it was worth missing on much-anticipated foot-long-sub debut.

We then went out to the newly and under-construction IT park on the hills in the outskirts of Vizag, it was a looonley and well-lit road. Parked the car there and the three of us clicked a few snaps and just hung out there… had been a looong time since I had hung out with my close buddies….and It felt so ..wel….cool.

My return was on the night on 2nd May, came by bus, which was very uncomfy as it kept rattling from time to time and the horn (which was a fancy –some song tune one) kept sounding louder inside the bus than outside.

All in all- it was great trip home , and one that was a rare occasion.

Well, I know that this is a looong blog, but I so wanted to write what I did and how I enjoyed on my b’day this year. Seeing all the smiling faces of my family members as me and Shru cut the cake was something I would trade my life anyday to see happen again. Most of you (who am I kidding……the few handful of you who actually read my blog) will have fallen asleep before you read this line….but that’s ok..

I will be posting the pics from the bday weekend soon…and hopefully then, the blog will be a lil’ more interesting read.

Peace out…


Thursday, March 18, 2010


It's freakin 6:30AM in the morning, and I am up already....AND blogging! Have barely got 5 hours of sleep last night.

You wanna know the reason/cause of me committing such a sin (getting only5 hours of sleep IS a sin)'s called MOSQUITOES!!!

Blood-sucking, ravaging, irritating and most definitely thirsty mosquitoes!!

These little damned winged insects come out at night and torment us like no other. Even Himesh Reshammiya' songs are bearable when compared to a night in a house with mosquitoes.

I fail to understand this, and I beg someone to offer me a sensible answer----Why on earth did God create mosquitoes??! I mean, think about it....they don't help the nature in any way, they aren't food to any animal and hence are of zero use in the animal-kingdom food-chain, they don't get rid of garbage or any thing like crows and stray dogs .....they are of absolutely NO use to the planet Earth.

How and why is it that they appear only during the night? I am sorry, but I never remember reading that mosquitoes are nocturnal insects. Maybe the scientists should do some research on that one.

They seem to appear out of thin air at my place. I mean, inspite of all windows and doors being closed, and killing as many as possible with my 'bare hands'- their number only seems to swell. It's almost as if, for each mosquito I kill...3 more are born out of thin air.

At this point, you may wonder why the hell am I not using mosquito repellents like the coil or the All-out etc,...Well my dear friend- FYI- I had a full size mosquito coil (brand JET I think it was) lighted and also switched on the All-out in the middle of the night....but the monsters just didn't seem to get affected.

I have a few theories by now (courtesy of lying awake at 6am in the morning thinking and cursing mosquitoes after having gotten very little sleep) as to why God made these tiny imitators-

1- They are a part of Satan's/Devil/Shaitaan's team. They were given special permission by our beloved Almighty to be placed and roam on Earth and to suck on people's blood - just to remind them how Hell would really be if we weren't good.

2- They were created so that Man could come-up with and learn new slangs/abuses/curses and use them on others too. Like the way I came up with a few new ones just by sitting and staring at the wall early in the morning today. I CANNOT mention those 'gaalis' here because I'd like to keep my blog free of any 'bad language'.

3- They are a spy project by the Russians or some enemy country of ours to test how and when we get irritated, thus gaining knowledge on our pain-bearing capabilities.I bet they will be working on some futuristic weapon with all the data that they recieve and eventually use it as a biological weapon one day.

Wonder why, inspite of all the freakin advancements that science has made, Man hasn't been able to come up with a fool-proof and 100% effective solution to this malice. If I have money some day, I'd initiate a foundation and offer up $1 million to anyone who achieves the aforementioned (just like Richard Branson offers a huuuge amount of money to anyone who can come with a 100% eco-friendly car). Even right now, I am willing to offer 40% (sorry...that's all I can afford to give goes into rent and bills...)of my next-month's salary to anyone who gives me a foolprooof method to eliminate these pests.

It's 7:00 am now and I've been blogging about mosquitoes since half an hour---How crazy does that sound man?! sheeesh...Gotta get a grip on myself.

I'll sign off now coz' daylight has broken into the skyline and just like vampires, these awful little $#%$^!^ have started I need to get some sleep if I need to survive the day at work.

Adios and peace out!

.......there's one mosquito resting on my LCD....easy now....easy......SWAP!! HA!!-- deadmeat you are my dear mosqui!!!

peace !


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thank God it's MARCH!

The month of March this year is of special significance to me....

Primarily because there are two major sporting events that start around the end of the second week of this month.

First, my all time favourite and the fastest sport on the planet - FORMULA 1's 2010 season kicked off this sunday with the first race being held in Bahrain. It has been a loong winter wait since the end of the last season in November. Usually, this period of NO races is boring and the only thing that keeps fans of F1 alive and breathing are the drivers reshuffling between teams and any major buy-outs or new- drivers. This last no-race period has been pretty exciting beacause of Micheal Schumacher's comeback and many other reasons (that can be found on my other blog )

And also the third season of the Indian Premier League (IPL)kicked off in the second week of March as well. The IPL has been a hit in its previous two versions and I am pretty sure that it'd do well t his season too. There haven't been any major additions to the teams but the Teams avoiding the acquisition of Pakistani players sure kicked up a storm on both sides of the border.

Both these sports promise to give me oppurtunities of excitement, pump my adrenaline to new heights, and provide anxious moments and moments of happiness and sadness (depending on whether the team I support wins or looses ;-) which is precisely why I happen to be such a big sports fan.

However, the catch is that I DO NOT have a television at my palce here. That's a bodyblow to any sports fan and it is to me too. I, however have made some arrangements for myself to keep myself updated on all the sporting action that will be ON. The internet is almost like a saviour to me. Now that the IPL is being broadcast LIVE on youtube, I can catch at least glimpses of the matches (i say 'glimpses' particularly because the youtube broadcast has been anything but good...the picture is hazy and I keep getting 'sorry...techinical error...please try after some time' as frequently as me having hiccups as soon as I have had something spicy). But hey.....something's better than nothing right?! So, I really ain't complaining.

As far as the races of F1 are concerned, ....I have deicided to save up on some 'x' amount of money every month just so that I can go watch the race LIVE in a sports bar in the city. I won't be able to watch every race (there are approximately 2 per month), but will make sure I catch at least one race per month. Sounds good right?! and I am pretty sure I will save that 'x' amount of money coz' everyone knows what a big 'kanjooooz' I am. I may have to sacrifice my weekly subway meals(very very difficult) and 'almost every weekend movie' plan in order to save the money.

I know there are other crazy ('stupid' may sound a better fit) people out there.....who will have done the same things I am doing in order to get something else for them (in my case- watching the races and IPL) and would probably say 'been there - done that' ...

think about the last time you desperately tried to save money to get something you really craved for ....and then probably I will not sound 'crazy' to you...


peace out!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

is back!!'s been a reeeeealy long time since I have blogged ....that's inspite of the promise I had made to myself that I’d blog at least once a week.
There have been a lot of updates on my side…
knowing that only a select few mortals read my blogs and risk contracting the 'what-the-hell-is-this-shit' disease...I go on and talk about a few things that have changed since the last time I blogged---

One, I have a job now….even though it’s in the ITES sector, I like it!…coz it’s offered me a wealth of information about computer hardware (As I was recruited to trouble shoot hardware problems of our company’s computers) that I was never aware of.
Two- I am having a good time here in Hyderabad,…because of many reasons:
- I am earning now
- have a bunch of good friends here now
- have moved into a bigger and cleaner place
-IPL and F1 2010 seasons have started
-have put on 2 more kgs and thus crossed the landmark 60kgs barrier (that would come up on another blog exclusively).
-and am in very good physical shape (owing to the fact that I have been gorging on good food and gymming since 2 months now)

that about sums up the updates from my side….

I am hoping that I will get back to my blogging more regularly now and start writing some nonsense (like this one) and keep the flow going….

See you in the next blog.!!

Peace !