Thursday, June 23, 2011


My grandma has been wanting to throw away some stuff from the store-room in order to accommodate the ever-swelling 'junk' that each household magically keeps producing at a steady and unstoppable pace. I was given the duty to clear away some old boxes that apparently contained things from my childhood.
Upon opening one of the boxes, I found a bundle of comic magazines. Comics are how I had been introduced to the world of 'Reading' and I have always been fond of them.
I very fondly remember the times when I used to devour these comics at a rate faster than than I used to gulp down food.

FLASHBACK: imagine the following in a crackling black and white movie frame:
I am all set to journey to my grandparent's place in Bhopal, from Coimbatore (a 20 hour journey). My excitement of visiting my beloved grandparents is peaks with the fact that I will get to read comics on the train. Now, in 'those' days, I was allowed to afford the luxury of a comic if and only if we were travelling by train (my parents later confessed that the comics kept me from jumping out of the train at every station that the train stopped).
So there I was, entering the railway hand being held firmly in the confident but relaxed grip of my dad and the other swaying happily by my side like a dog's wagging tail. I knew the exact location of the book-store in the railway station and prided myself at being able to get to it even blindfolded. I knew that the train would arrive only half an hour after we had stepped into the station (which I thought the train did on purpose by the way). So I started looking in the direction of the book-stand. My dad sensing my desperation to hold a comic in my hands, smiled down at me and took me straight to the book-stall.
I happily bought myself a Tinkle 'digest' and two Chacha Chowdhary comics.
Ah! I was feeling like a king now, clinging on to the comics like they were worth more than my life. The rest of the journey I do not remember too's all hazy with me buried into the comics and noticing almost nothing else.

OK...Now you can come back to the present day...full-color picture in HD ...

Chacha Chowdhary and Tinkle. :) who doesn't remember them? They've been one of the most important memories  of every child who grew up in the 90's. Quite honestly, these comics were some of my most treasured posessions till a very long time. They were almost like my best friends. The Chacha Chowdhary comic's  trademark one liners 'A volcano erupts in Jupiter when Sabu gets angry', or 'Chacha Chowdhary's brain works faster than a computer'  were their unique-selling-points. Every child loved these characters and even sometimes wished to be as intelligent as the Chacha himself. Then there was Tinkle with its 'Tantri the Mantri'  with his ever-failing plots to assassinate or get rid of his king (which rhymes really well btw) and 'Suppandi'  the simple village-lad with his never-ending goof-ups. The jokes at that age seemed so funny but now seem to be pretty lame and I chuckle to myself thinking 'how did I find these jokes even funny?' Then there were numerous other comics from the 'Diamond comics' (which were quite a rage in the 90's) stable like  Billoo, Captain Vyom,  Chotu Lambu which were also quite popular.

Anyway, the fact remains that these comics definitively occupy a vast part of my childhood memories and I will always be fond of comics no matter how old I grow. Only now, the comics have shifted to the more radical and 'cooler' super-hero genre. :D Everytime I see a Chacha Chowdhary comic or a Tinkle Digest somewhere, It unknowingly triggers a wave of nostalgia as I find myself back on a railway station as a 11 year old waiting for my dad to buy me my 'treasures'

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wedding planners..

So, my sister’s wedding was successful and went smoothly without any major glitches or hiccups. I must say, all the forewarnings by my brothers (those with prior experience of helping with their sister’s marriage) did live up to their hype as my sister’s wedding kept me super-hyper-ultra-busy the last three weeks.
Taking care of the transport logistics alone cost me most of my time as I had to deal with the six hired vehicles and two of our own (totaling upto nine vehicles).
Here are some of the tips and things that a guy who has the responsibility of his sister’s wedding should know or be aware of….also some point from the following are my own observations and realizations from the entire event.

The e-invitation that I personally designed and created for my sister's wedding===========>>

1-      Learn MS Excel and become proficient in its use including the keyboard shortcuts. It makes life a lot easier when you will be needed to keep tab on a ton of things during the marriage.
2-      If you are a US returned brother/son—then you are expected to magically appear upto three* tones fairer than even your rich-A/C-house-dwelling-uncle and his family.
*conditions apply  
3-      Always keep a notepad handy with you along with a pen who will most likely become your best friend in the weeks leading upto the wedding.
4-      Be prepared to become the bargaining leader of your family (getting trained under the current-bargain-champion-naani would be a good idea to get started).
5-      you can kiss all the lip-smacking hot food being served on the marriage day goodbye as you will become one of the last persons at the wedding to eat that day after having taken care of all the proceedings.
6-      Maintaining a good relationship with the drivers of the vehicles, the security guard, the pan-wala, the banquet manager at the hotel where the wedding is going to be and the caterer will really help smoothen things out (thank you Abhishek Chowdhary for that valuable tip)
7-      Never walk beside a stranger on the road who has either a cough problem or a tobacco-chewing habit.
8-      You will appear in only 2% of the photos clicked on the night of the wedding.
9-  Get ready to be absent from Facebook and twitter for at least a week ('s tough...but you gotta do what you gotta do :-)
10- Have a backup pair of footwear hidden in a back-pack and keep them close to never know when your current footwear might become a victim of 'mistaken identity' or when they might become the 'object of desire' for your friendly neighborhood stray dog.

Well, I guess that’s all about it …I did have a good time working exceptionally hard to make the wedding a grand success….and nothing pleases you more when at the end of it all- your efforts are heartfully appreciated. 

Peace always..