Monday, December 7, 2009
Hyd Parkour JAM video.
The video of the Hyd Parkour JAM that took place in Nov this year is out now.
Special thanks to NOS who took great pains and care to make sure the video came out great....and it indeed has come out really well...
here's the link:
T-shirt captions
1- Egoistic bastard
2- Who let you out of prison?
3-I work when you work.
4- My boss is...
a chicken wing gets hot when you turn it on
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Paisa 'Kurbaan'

MY VIEWS:I watched the much-awaited Karan Johar movie Kurbaan yesterday. I had watched the trailers and was expecting a good flick as it stars a band of well-established actors who have proved their acting prowess in many films. The fact that the movie was directed by a debutant Renil did not bother me much as I knew that movies coming out of the Karan Johar banner were usually neatly made and smartly shot.
I had to stand in line in the morning to get the advance booking done. So there I was, waiting to get inside the theater and hoping that the movie would provide me with a good culmination for the already eventful weekend.
But sadly, I was in for a 2 hour and 45 minutes of sloOOow draggy film that really didn't appeal to me much. I couldn't hear anyone coming out of the movie-theater talking highly about the movie.
THE PLOT:The story revolves around the Muslim-Hindu couple of Saifeena who decide to settle abroad in New York (strangely, almost all terrorist based movies are based on NY). I won't be letting the cat out of the bag when I say that Saif is our terrorist of the movie. There are others too but Saif wins the 'terrorist of the movie' award comfortably. He, along with his band of Islamist jihadi loyalists hatch a plan to once again execute a horrendous act of 9-11 style plot.
Kareena, meanwhile stumbles upon the body of a Muslim friend (who was her neighbour) while trespassing in their basement. This leads to Kareena (and us)finding out that Saifu baba is also a terrorist and understandably freaks out. In this process she also reveals that she is pregnant and that if she lives, she would not want Saif have anything to do with their baby(again understandable). The movie then progresses (sloooowly) to show us how Kareena gets in touch with an outsider - enter Vivek Oberoi(I'll come to him later in my review) and how he gets involved in this terror plot.
and of course I am not a spoil-sport to tell you who lives and who dies in the end (although it becomes almost predictable in the last half an hour)...and why the name of the movie happens to be 'Kurbaan'.
The movie's slow rate fails to gather too much momentum(it tries its best to raise ur blood-pressure) in the climax scenes.
MUSIC:The music and the background score is pretty decent and apt for a movie with a dark theme. The opening song is the one I liked the best. I counted only three songs in the movie by the way...don't know where the others went.
THE ACTING: The 'surprise performance of the day' award undoubtedly goes to Vivek Oberoi who tries (successfully I think) in this movie to revive his career by playing the role of a modern young Muslim anti-jihad radical. There are other beauties like Dia Mirza and Nauheed Cyrusi who have very brief roles in the movie. Om Puri does well as the 'Bhaijaan' and the mastermind of the terrorist activity in this movie. The film has an interesting scene wherein Vivek argues with Americans in a class (being taken by Saif) about how the americans are worse killers than the Al-Quaida and all by stating interesting facts and leaving you with the thought that 'hey!...he's right you know'.
Overall, I'd say that the movie ain't worth spending 200 bucks for the multiplex show. Go to this movie if you are a Saif or Kareena fan or if you simply have nothing to do on the weekend. I'm not saying that the movie is nonsense or utter rubbish, but its story certainly could've used a small extra-dose of suspense or action.
MY RATING: 2.5 / 5
Saturday, November 28, 2009
26-11 anniversary
India recently observed the First Anniversary of the 26/11 carnage. This day has been unofficially and rightfully marked as the ‘Black day’ in the Indian calendar.
The mayhem unleashed by the foreign terrorists left around 166 people dead and around 244 injured. Many of the dead included children and women. I cannot even begin to fathom the grief that must’ve struck the families of those who lost their lives in this horrific event.
I shall not describe in detail what happened in those three days last year. Most of us know about the events that unfolded, courtesy of the in-depth reports by the media, who were also shot at by the terrorists.
All I want to say is that there have been very less global events that have moved me as much as this one did. The heroics of the NSG commandos like Major Unnikrishnan or Gajendra Singh and other members of the Mumbai police like Hemant Karkare (who was the chief of the Mumbai Anti-terrorist squad), Vijay Salakar and Ashok Kamte, all of who -fearlessly laid down their lives to save others, the hotel staff at The Taj Mahal hotel and the Oberoi towers had their own stories of bravery as they showed why India is considered as one of the top countries when it comes to hospitality, by taking full-responsibility of the guests at their hotels and ensuring their safety even if it meant losing their own lives, all are both moving and courageous at the same time.
There are a number of other people whose brave stories might not have even reached the ears of the public or got the kind of media attention that the others got. I salute each and every one of them.
As people from all walks of life, across the country, united to pay homage to the victims, I too observed a 2 minute silence at my home. As I watched on the television, the various kinds of events being held across the country and when each news-channel had it’s own version of a story of bravery by someone or the other, I just couldn’t help but shed a tear in the memory of those killed. The kind of unity shown in these peaceful candle-light processions which saw individuals from all social-levels of the society ranging from actors, social-activists, industrialists to the common man like IT professionals, waiters of the two hotels involved in the event, wives and children of anyone who directly or indirectly got affected by the 26-11 terrorist strike—is truly a tribute in its own way that shows why India is called a land of harmony where a person from any religion can live peacefully.
Like the millions of people across the country, I too am furious and tempestuous at the people who planned out such an outrageous act of terror and who enjoyed the consternation of the public. But, the sole terrorist caught alive – Kasab continues to live in the jail...still alive and still breathing. I just hope that for once, justice in our country is swift and fair.
May all the souls of those who passed away one year ago on one those three ill-fated days , rest in peace.
Monday, November 16, 2009
PARKOUR JAM @ Hyderabad

'An AMAZING and Exhilarating experience' is how one would describe the Jam that happened in the city recently.I am talking about 8th November, the day that saw one of the largest Parkour jams in the city of Hyderabad.There were a total of 21 people who turned up for the event. We had traceurs from all corners of the city and also from the other end of the country(NOS turned up for this jam from Mumbai). It was a cloudy and pleasant day - a perfect day for some action.
We had zeroed in on Golconda Fort as our venue. Now this place happens to be one of the archaeological landmarks of Hyderabad. It's a fort that was built in around the 16th century and has lots of well preserved walls, pillars, parapets and basically everything that made it worthy enough to be called a true 'Parkour Heaven'. So that day,from 9:00am until noon, the fort saw a bunch of around one and a half dozen energetic and super-charged guys jumping all over it.We had members of Team Karma in full attendance as well as members of Team Secret Fury, one man from team Nuts(Mumbai), and of course some like Kage,CJ and me were the ones who were there representing themselves and not any particular team. We all assembled at the venue and started our stretching and warm-ups as soon as we entered the premises of the fort.
We started first with a session of warm-ups that didn't last too long as most of the guys were very eager to start Parkour. A few wall-runs, leaps(minus the rolls), cat leaps, 360 cats, crane-jumps and more leaps(with rolls) were what made up our first stop session. Pretty soon, our acts started attracting a good crowd and they just watched in awe as we leapt, rolled and jumped from one spot to another. We continued further into the premises while practising some moves on the way.

Our second major stop was a place where there were huge lawns of soft green grass. The flipping-guys showed us how cool it looked when you flipped here. Many also tried leap and roll on the soft lawns as they leapt one after the other onto two rectangular patches of pretty wet grass (here, we had our first and a little worrisome injury as a traceur slipped on the grass and hit his head on the stone-border. He was dazed for a few minutes but then in the true spirit of PRKR...was back diving and jumping around).
Then it was the turn of the diving kong to challenge us. We found this really tempting place where only the brave tried their luck of getting the diving kong right. Many were initially unsuccessful but then with repeated attempts, most of them made the jump.
Moving on we came across a place where there was a high level wall(around 40 feet) which looked down onto a flat platform (which was the roof of a closed corridor). The guys climbed onto this high wall and made some daring jumps onto the lower level ...the move was spectacular but soon, the security guard started warning us of our safety.The boys however completed the jumps and proceeded over the lower level and finally hit ground level after a few more jumps. It was well choreographed and the moves were caught on tape from several different angles.
We finally ended up at a spot (in the photo) that had these various level pillars/supports (whatever you want to call them). It's a great place for PRKR and what we like to call 'PK heaven' spot. Here was a spot that had obstacles of all shapes, sizes and range. A beginner to a pro could practise out his moves here...and that's exactly what all of us did. We again attracted a fairly large crowd here. People were stopping and looking at us with those 'are these guys monkeys? or what?' look on their faces. And to a traceur, calling him a monkey can be a compliment. We practised for around forty-five minutes here before exhaustion finally caught up with us. Then it was time for the group-photo shoot and we shot some pretty decent photos that covered all the 21 people present at the jam.
It was then that the guys started feeling hungry. The clock had struck 12 and most of us hadn't had our breakfasts before coming here. So we finally wound up what I would like to call - our very-successful Jam session and headed out to grab a bite and head home.
The best thing about the jam was that people from all parts of the city came to know each other. We shared our experiences in PRKR and encouraged others to try out the daring moves. I was eager to meet other traceurs since the day I had stepped into this amazing and adrenaline-pumping world of PARKOUR, but so far had only managed to meet one or two other people who knew about PRKR. But now, post-jam, I had gotten to know so many new faces from my city itself, and it would be a shame not to say that most them are very talented. We practised together like a brotherhood, kept encouraging our fellow traceurs to try out different moves...all in all a big happy charged-up family.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Weight !

Saturday, October 24, 2009
---THE COOK---
peace out!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Last day in Hostel !
I have been trying to sleep since the past one hour but sleep has been fighting a loosing battle with my memories of the hostel. Now my mind starts thinking of all the wonderful,funny,sad, heart-warming,heart-breaking,long-lasting memories i have had in this hostel. This very room OC-105 and my two wonderful roomies - sujeet and shashank will always remain a topic of discussion in the future whenever the conversation moves to 'our college days'. It's like, I have a zillion memories attached to this place.
I try opening my laptop and browsing some net to pass the time until sleep sets in....but it's of no use. The feeling that I will probably never sleep on this bed- in this room- in this hostel strikes me with a force that saddens me.
I decide it's time I had a final round of the hostel..including the parts I have never been to, in the past years (ie. the other blocks with the guys from branches other than mine). I put on my slippers , slip on a shirt and am on my way for the 'last round'.
I start with the A-block and climb up slowly to the fourth floor of that block. ALL the rooms sport a shining Godrej lock on their doors. The students have long vacated the hostel as their 4-year 'tenure' came to an end about two weeks ago.
The same block where i stand now held the mechanical, electrical and the civil branch guys. Our hostel (like most others across the country) had the reputation of being a 24 hours masti haven. No matter what time of the night or day one chose- he would always hear noises of all kinds - ranging from wierd laughters to loud music from some room or the other. But today it was different- a deadly-silence hung around in the noise whatsoever and no one in sight. Honestly, it was a bit scary. We weren't used to this kind of spooky silence in the hostel man.
I started moving towards the B-block on my way to the C-block (where i stayed on the ground floor). The specialiltu of our hostel is that--the construction of the A-block and the C-block are a mirror image of each other.
I finally reached the ground floor of the C-block after descending 4 floors. Reached my roomie- shashank was still fast asleep which is quite unlike him as he's a known nocturnal homo-sapien but he's had a long day owing to the fact that he had to run around for most part of the day for the correction in his passport.
The square space outside my room - where the guys of our block pioneered and created the sport of Floor-cricket and went on to hold tournaments that gave us as much entertainment as much as noise and disturbance now stood lit in the moonlight filled with stillness and silence.
It wasn't as if the complete round of our hostel had satisfied my inner wish of some kind or anything...but then i climbed onto my bed to get some sleep before my last Day at the hostel starts. As i was doing so - i also (and quite naturally) realised that this would be my last sleep in the hostel. Everything i did the next day kept striking me as 'The last time I did it ' in the hostel/college/Bhubaneswar. And I felt 'nostalgia' slowly creeping into bed with me ....
It's been really a great learning experience living in the hostel - KING'S PALACE 2. I got to learn so many things ...made friends irrespective of their geographical origin, learnt to adjust, to share, and most importantly - to love my student life.
I salute the Kings (we- the studtents/residents)of our hostel and hope and wish that eveyrone attains the pinnacle of success in their lives ahead.